Customer Stories

How Matik creates process-driven accountability and increases revenue with Orum


About Matik: Matik automates the personalization of content, including data-driven elements like tables, charts, and AI-powered insight. You can even automate the sending of the content as personalized email attachments: compatible with Google Slides, Microsoft PowerPoint, and PDFs.

The challenge: Having enough conversations per day to achieve pipeline targets

When Victoria Jordan joined Matik to lead Sales Development, it was her first time working at a startup. This also meant she was responsible for building the tech stack and tools her team would use.

The team also had limited processes and no KPIs in place in regard to calling. Although the team was responsible for generating outbound opportunities and following up on inbound leads, Victoria realized her focus needed to be on what they had direct control over—outbound. She made this her team’s primary focus, and they spent time focusing on personalized email outreach and continued leveraging their CRM’s dialer to make calls.

However, as email became more crowded and competitive, she quickly recognized that the number of conversations they needed to have per day was not attainable without the ability to make more calls per day.

The solution: Automating the dialing process to help SDRs focus on high-value work

Based on a recommendation from a previous manager, Victoria set out to evaluate AI-powered dialing and parallel dialing solutions. Her team already had a very robust process in place with their existing sales engagement platform, so she wanted to find a solution with a robust integration to limit any workflow or process disruptions.

We are deeply ingrained in our process with [our sales engagement platform]. It would have been a blocker if the dialer did not integrate well.
Victoria Jordan
Head of Sales Development

Initially, the team was hesitant since none had used an AI dialer before, but as a startup, they embraced experimentation. Victoria generated excitement with the reps to try it by telling them it would make their lives much easier. They experienced immediate success with the pilot, and the team was excited to add Orum to their tech stack.

For the first time in her career, Victoria had to put her neck on the line as she asked leadership for a budget to purchase Orum. Armed with a data-backed business case and impressive pilot results, she was able to secure budget and move forward with Orum for her team.

Results: More calls, more conversations, more pipeline, and a growing team

Victoria and the Matik team have seen great success with the phone since adopting Orum. Reps make about 2x as many calls per month, and connects per rep are also up almost 100%. Not only have outputs increased, but the SDRs genuinely enjoy calling now. An unexpected benefit Victoria has recognized from Orum is the number of at-bats the reps can have.

When you face rejection, the fear of getting on the next call and “dusting yourself off” is not an issue because the SDRs can jump right into that next conversation.
Victoria Jordan
Head of Sales Development

The Matik team has weekly 'Power Hours’, during which the team spends time together on the Salesfloor, building camaraderie and relationships and making calls. Victoria can shadow calls and provide real-time feedback and coaching to help the reps continually improve.

The SDRs genuinely like calling. Now that they have Orum, the team would have been very upset if it had gone away!
Victoria Jordan
Head of Sales Development

As a result of their continued success, Matik recently started the second year with Orum after renewing their contract, and they are actively looking to grow the team. The renewal conversation was easier for Victoria, armed with historical data to demonstrate overall increases in calls and connections, point to several key opportunities sourced over the phone, and improve rep perception toward calling.

Orum is one of the most impactful tools we brought into our tech stack and is most well-loved by our SDRs. As a result, getting adoption is easy because the team sees immediate results. It allows reps to do ‘higher-value work,’ instead of spending time waiting on dial tones and manually dialing numbers.
Victoria Jordan
Head of Sales Development