
AI-powered sales and prospecting tools to maximize pipeline

Adam Sockel

There can be no definitive answer to the question, “What is the best AI-powered sales platform?” As noted in our recently released State of AI in Sales Development report, AI is the one sector where VC investments continue to grow. With 95% of all organizations using AI in their sales processes, there is a market for every new start-up.

This isn’t to say that start-ups are the only organizations implementing artificial intelligence and machine learning into their platforms. Quite the opposite. Well-established companies like Salesforce, Apollo, ZoomInfo, 6Sense, Hubspot, and Gong have also integrated AI into their platforms to optimize workflows. In this piece, we’ll highlight a few lesser-known platforms providing dynamic, AI-powered opportunities to attract prospects through every aspect of their buying process.

Sales professionals have never had access to better tools. Even though sales cycles are longer and it’s taking more touchpoints than ever to book meetings, the opportunity to create more informed, personalized value propositions is there if you’re willing to experiment.

Below, you’ll find a list of several platforms leading the charge with AI and what’s possible from a prospecting perspective.

Note: Building an exhaustive list of AI-powered prospecting tools would be impossible. These are just a few tools we have tried and enjoyed the experience they provided.

AI platforms for content creation– uses predictive analytics to transform customer data into actionable insights that provide deeper personalization and engagement in your campaigns. They look at existing market data to inform their AI so that you can build smarter marketing campaigns.

Deeto– The best marketing content doesn’t explain what your platform does but how it helps solve problems for your prospects. Creating that content can be a long, arduous process, however. Deeto uses next-level AI to make it easier and more rewarding than ever for satisfied customers to champion your business.

Opus Clip– Video continues to be one of the most engaging forms of content in the SaaS space. Creating highlight clips from your longer-form webinars and events in the past required a videographer and design team. Now, you can do that process with one click of a button. OpusClip is a generative AI video tool that repurposes long videos into shorts in one click. OpenAI powers it.

Mutiny– Mutiny provides a scalable way to create personalized experiences on your website for each prospect. They use AI-powered personalization to generate pipeline and revenue from your target accounts.

Warmly– Website traffic is a highly coveted KPI, but acting on that traffic is impossible without knowing who the visitors are. Warmly helps reveal individuals and companies visiting your site. Automate personalized outreach to them through email, LinkedIn, and chat.

AI platforms for account research

Clay– Clay uses AI to both enrich and build prospect lists, saving your reps countless hours and empowering teams to run hyper-targeted outreach campaigns

Glean– Glean is an AI assistant that harnesses the power of your company’s knowledge to make better decisions faster. Consider the countless hours you spend searching your CRM or internal documentation for information about prospect accounts of your own platform feature set. Glean can find that information for you in a single search.

Perplexity– Similar to ChatGPT, Perplexity is a free AI search engine designed to revolutionize how you discover information. Ask any question, and it searches the internet for an accessible, conversational, and verifiable answer. From an account research standpoint, Perplexity can quickly provide you with 10-K reports and identify potential intent indicators.

Actively.AI– Actively.AI combines all the enriched data your reps have collected and builds a strategic outreach plan for accounts, so your sellers don’t just know who to reach out to but also when to reach out and specifically what to say to drive interest based on all available information on that account.

You can learn more about on Orum's Bold Calling podcast.

AI dialers for connecting with prospects

All the platforms mentioned above are excellent tools for getting prospects into your funnel, but that does not matter if you can’t efficiently converse with them. That’s where AI dialers come in. We’re biased about the insights from the more than a quarter of a billion completed calls made on our platform, but regardless of the dialing solution you pick, your reps need a way to optimize their call time.

If you don’t have an AI dialer, use this Decision Criteria checklist to find the platform that fits your team’s needs.

The phone remains the number one channel for building pipeline, but it will not be sustainable if you don't use a platform like Orum. Orum and other dialers in the market, like Nooks, Kixie, and Salesfinity, automate the manual aspects of dialing, saving your reps countless hours every week.

Orum automates dialing, navigating phone trees, leaving voicemails, recording call notes, and much more so that your reps can focus on having more conversations and booking more meetings.

Building incredible lists of prospects is important, but Orum’s AI can determine the best phone number for those prospects and the call from number most likely to lead to a connection. This means you can have more conversations in less time and pitch prospects more often while being armed with the right information to book more meetings.

Sales professionals spend up to 30 hours weekly on administrative tasks, list building, and prospect follow-up. These platforms, paired with an AI dialer like Orum, reduce that dramatically so sellers can spend more time building relationships and trust with your ICP, ultimately generating more closed-won and more revenue.
